NAME: Nicasia Lomidze
D.O.B: 1st June 1713
Eyes: Amber eyes.
Hair: Nicasia has golden blonde hair that is thick and curly.
Height: 5ft 8
Physique: Small and athletic, like a gymnast.
Style: Nicasia tends towards the hippy style.
CURRENT LOCATION: Glastonbury, England
CURRENT OCCUPATION: Nicasia, Leonardo’s sister, runs the retreat they live on. She is also the female Elder for the Lion’s on the Immortal Council.
FAMILY: Leo is the alpha of his pride, inherited along with his position on the council, from his father. Nicasia is his younger sister.
CHILDHOOD: Nicasia was doted on by her parents, older brother Leo and older sister.
EDUCATION: Home Schooled
QUALIFICATIONS: Nicasia is skilled in herbology and hospitality.
PERSONALITY: Nicasia is a little more highly strung than her brother, preferring to embrace modern technology and enjoying the things that it offers. She is a particular fan of the TV show ‘ Friends’.
SPECIAL SKILLS: She is amazing at organising people and events.
STRENGTHS: Nicasia is more in touch with technology than Leo, running their website.
WEAKNESSES: Nicasia is a little impulsive and headstrong, she can be a little over dramatic.
FAVOURITE QUOTE: “Never grab a Lion by the tail.”
FIND ME IN: Not Strong Enough.